Delivery playbook

Our delivery playbook is an implementation guide for introducing Concentric into a large organisation (e.g. an NHS Trust or Health Board). It has been developed iteratively by the team based on our existing 20+ deployments in the UK.

The aim of the playbook is to be a one stop shop for project teams to understand the recommended approach and have access to project resources to simplify implementation.

It is useful for project teams to go through the playbook in detail towards the start of the project, and then leverage the resources as required during the phases of implementation.

Delivery phases and activities

This is the main section of the playbook, outlining the overall structure of a deployment and the individual activities.

Concentric delivery playbook flowchart


This is a list of all the resources included within the playbook, for easy access during the project.

Within the delivery playbook

Digital consent business case template

A template business case for introducing digital consent into a healthcare organisation.

Specification for a digital consent application

Our guide of what the key elements are for a successful digital consent application, to inform tender documentation and procurement decision making.

Health economic analysis

A summary of the health economic analysis done to date, exploring the introduction of Concentric to replace paper consent processes.

Kick-off meeting agenda

An outline agenda for the kick-off meeting at the start of a Concentric deployment project, including the key points of discussion and decisions to be made.

Technical scoping meeting agenda

An outline agenda for the technical scoping meeting for a Concentric deployment - where decisions around the scope and approach of integration should be made.

Go-live integration requirements

An approach to thinking about what integrations need to be in place prior to a Concentric go-live.


Our guide regarding device compatibility and how to consider whether additional devices are required for a Concentric deployment.

Clinical engagement and training

An outline of the recommended approach to training for clinician users, trainers and administrators, and the support available for this from Concentric.

Admin application guide

An outline of how to access and use the Concentric admin application.

Data protection impact assessment (DPIA) template

A DPIA template for use by organisations deploying Concentric.

DCB0160 Clinical Safety Case Report addendum template

Our DCB0160 template is for use by deploying organisations to ensure compliance with the clinical safety standard.

Consent policy updates

These are our suggested consent policy updates for during implementation and at the transition to business as usual.

Application support and service level agreements (SLAs)

An outline of the support and SLAs offered for large organisations deploying Concentric.

Business continuity plan (BCP)

A guide for how organisations should consider business continuity in scenarios where Concentric cannot be used.

Process for consent template updates

An outline of the process for requesting consent template updates and our target timeframes to deliver requested changes.

Patient information leaflets process

Our description of the process for embedding local information leaflets into a Concentric deployment.

Release processes

A guide to the different types of Concentric releases, and the process followed for each.

Clinical go-live checklist

Our requirements checklist for large organisations to use prior to a Concentric go-live.

Safeguarding - monitoring Consent Form 4 use

How Concentric is used by safeguarding teams to quality assure the Consent Form 4 process.

Equality Impact Assessment (EQIA) template

This template is provided to support the development of an EQIA for the deployment of Concentric into a healthcare organisation.

Clinical go-live cutover approaches

This page summarises our approach to go-live cutover, different options, and things to consider.

Setting up and using a signature pad

Our guide to setting up and using a Wacom STU-430 signature pad in Concentric.

Transitioning to digital consent being 'business as usual' (BAU)

This guide outlines the steps and considerations for transitioning to 'business as usual' (BAU).

Elsewhere on this website

Pricing for large organisations

We're confident that Concentric will improve your consent process, be a pleasure to use, and save you money. Explore our pricing tiers for large organisations.

Example clinician onboarding information

An example of onboarding information that can be hosted by Concentric and be sent to clinicians at account creation.

Clinical safety case report

Our approach to clinical safety risk assessment and the mitigations in place to manage identified risks.

Technical information

Within our technical information pages are the details of how Concentric is built, information governance, and how it integrates with other systems.

Document integration considerations

This page is written for the project implementation team to support discussions around when consent PDFs are sent from Concentric, how they are managed on the organisation’s side, and how they should be displayed to clinical users.

Sharing information with patients

A summary of how information is shared with patients within Concentric, including the benefits of sharing information digitally.

Additional consents

This page summarises what additional consents within Concentric are, shares some examples, and how to request new additional consent modules.

Concentric on UK Gov's Digital Marketplace (AKA G Cloud framework)

Digital Marketplace (AKA G Cloud framework) is the UK Government's procurement framework for digital services, and is the most common way Concentric is purchased.

Example patient communications on an NHS Trust’s website

Most deploying organisations have a link on their website regarding its use of Concentric, which is then linked to in messages from Concentric, to reassure patients that it is genuine communication. Here's a case study highlighting Bradford's digital consent microsite.