Delivery phases
Implementation of Concentric into a large organisation is divided into 3 phases, a ‘decisions’ phase, ‘setup’ phase, and ‘roll-out’ phase. Within each of these phases below is a description of the activities within each, and links to relevant resources.
Phase 1 (Decisions) activities
Phase 1 commences at the point of decision to adopt Concentric, which may be following a tender process, funding award, or prior to a pilot. The aim of phase 1 is to make a small number of key decisions, with a small number of key individuals, to enable the numerous phase 2 activities to occur.
Phase 2 (Setup) activities
Phase 2 has a number of moving parts but essentially comes down to 5 key elements - procurement, technical integration, staff engagement, required approvals, and support processes. These are all the actions required prior to first clinical use of Concentric within the organisation.
Phase 3 (Roll-out) activities
Phase 3 is the clinical deployment phase and is usually managed in two parts - an initial launch in a handful of initial departments to iron out any local issues, followed by roll-out to the remaining specialties. We recommend a 3-4 month timeframe for phase 3 as a balance of a realistic timeframe, clinical safety and minimising the time where a mix of processes are used, and maintaining implementation momentum.
In parallel during each of these phases a 15 minute weekly project ‘standup’ is recommended between the Concentric project manager and the internal project manager. These activities can also be viewed as a Gantt chart - a copy of this template can be made for your own use.
“Concentric is the best, most fit for purpose piece of clinical IT software I have ever been involved in the deployment of. It just does exactly what it needs to do.”