Clinical go-live checklist

For large organisation deployments there are several things that need to be in place prior to clinical go-live. This is a checklist that can be used as a template, to be modified by the deploying organisation based on local context and requirements, to support a successful go-live.

Contractual, information governance, and clinical safety

  • Contract signed by both parties (Required)
  • Data processing agreement (DPA) between both parties – this may be included within a contract (Required)
  • Data protection impact assessment (DPIA) completed and approved, with any actions arising from the DPIA also completed – such as adding details regarding the data processing to the organisation’s privacy notice (Recommended)
  • Deployment approved by deploying organisation’s Clinical Safety Officer (For UK NHS deployments this involves a completed and approved DCB0160 clinical safety case report, and confirmation that the DCB0160 controls are in place) (Required)


  • Tenant setup and required integrations deployed to, and tested, in production environment (Required)
  • Technical support document completed and shared with 1st line support team (Required)
  • Project-specific hardware (e.g. signature pads) distributed and set up (Optional)


  • 1st line support protocol developed and embedded in support team documentation - including details for in-hours and out-of-hours incident alerting (Required)
  • Business continuity plan in place (Required)
  • Communication plan regarding cutover to Concentric is ready, and promotional materials (e.g. Go-live banners, posters, screensavers) distributed. (Recommended)
  • Consent standard operating procedure / policy updated to include digital consent use (Recommended)
  • Patient-facing information added to organisation website (Recommended)

Training and account management

  • User management (starters and leavers) process agreed and documented (Required)
  • Go-live day clinician accounts are set up, with agreed generic or local onboarding guide sent out as part of account creation (Required)
  • Training team have been appropriately trained (train the trainer model) and are available to support clinical teams (e.g. go-live floorwalking, drop-in sessions) (Recommended)

Further reading

Clinical go-live cutover approaches

This page summarises our approach to go-live cutover, different options, and things to consider.


Business continuity plan (BCP)

A guide for how organisations should consider business continuity in scenarios where Concentric cannot be used.


Application support and service level agreements (SLAs)

An outline of the support and SLAs offered for large organisations deploying Concentric.
