News & Research
Explore what we're working on, research work published, and case studies from healthcare organisations.
Designing Concentric
9 Jun 2019We've been busy at Concentric designing. Which for me is the fun part! Here's what we’ve been up to...
How and why do we make decisions about treatment?
2 May 2019What I learnt from discussing the consent process with individuals from a number of different perspectives...
Assessing health technology - a medical student's perspective
1 Mar 2019I've been looking at how decisions are made about implementing health technologies - what does good look like?
From Surgical Consent to Concentric
1 Jan 2019Lots of exciting news to share - New name, big grant, and exciting job opportunities!
Obtaining consent for an operation
1 Sep 2017Here, in a piece written for the Student BMJ, read about the key components of a good consent process
Paper: Improving surgical consent by using electronic procedure-specific forms (econsent)
1 Aug 2017Can using electronic, procedure-specific consent forms reduce errors?
Montgomery fallout
1 Feb 2017The Montgomery judgement brought significant change, but equally interesting has been how the courts have subsequently been applying these new principles...
Doctors' duty in obtaining informed consent
3 Jan 2017A very significant change in the law took place in March 2015 which has serious implications for doctors discussing options for treatment with patients and obtaining consent...
Paper: Surgical consent - the world's largest Chinese whisper?
9 Sep 2014Is it time for the traditional consent process to give way to a new evidence-based gold standard?