News & Research

Explore what we're working on, research work published, and case studies from healthcare organisations.

Gavel and block - Consent for surgery

Conversations on consent

8 Jul 2019

Consent is changing, and for the better, but we are still a long way from perfection.

Read Ed's reflections

Value Based Healthcare and the technology revolution

Value-based healthcare - a medical student's perspective

11 Jun 2019

Initial explorations into the field of value-based healthcare reveals hidden complexity, and lots of opportunities...

Read about value-based healthcare

George Sheldrake at Tramshed Tech

Designing Concentric

9 Jun 2019

We've been busy at Concentric designing. Which for me is the fun part! Here's what we’ve been up to...

Read about our design process

Patient journey through surgery

How and why do we make decisions about treatment?

2 May 2019

What I learnt from discussing the consent process with individuals from a number of different perspectives...

Read about what we heard

Assessing health technology

Assessing health technology - a medical student's perspective

1 Mar 2019

I've been looking at how decisions are made about implementing health technologies - what does good look like?

Read Elise's perspective

OpInform Surgical Consent screenshot and Concentric Health logo

From Surgical Consent to Concentric

1 Jan 2019

Lots of exciting news to share - New name, big grant, and exciting job opportunities!

Read about the name change

The process for obtaining consent for a surgical procedure

Obtaining consent for an operation

1 Sep 2017

Here, in a piece written for the Student BMJ, read about the key components of a good consent process

Learn about the consent process

Handwritten surgical consent forms paper image

Paper: Improving surgical consent by using electronic procedure-specific forms (econsent)

1 Aug 2017

Can using electronic, procedure-specific consent forms reduce errors?

Read a summary of the paper

Montgomery judgement

Montgomery fallout

1 Feb 2017

The Montgomery judgement brought significant change, but equally interesting has been how the courts have subsequently been applying these new principles...

Explore the legal cases