Answers to patients' frequently asked questions (FAQs)

It’s common to have lots of questions about all sorts of things in the lead up to treatment. Below are some questions we commonly receive from patients - click on the question to show the response.

Concentric and digital consent

What is Concentric digital consent?

Concentric is a secure digital consent to treatment application used by healthcare organisations, developed by Concentric Health Ltd.

Digital consent is the use of a digital application to give consent for a medical operation, procedure or treatment. It replaces the traditional paper consent form used in the past, and has been shown to support patients considering treatment by providing time to consider and flexibility to consider the information in their own time, share with others if wished, and a digital copy of their consent.

Concentric is trusted by your healthcare organisation to support your clinician to share personalised consent information with you, describing what the proposed treatment is, the indication and purpose of treatment, alternative treatment options, anaesthetic options if applicable, and information about potential risks.

In some cases it may be possible to document your consent remotely - if your clinician has enabled this, and the completed consent documentation is visible within Concentric after signing, and will continue to be available for you to view following treatment.

Is my health data safe?

Yes, Concentric (developed by Concentric Health Ltd) is an application trusted by healthcare organisations to facilitate a digital consent process. The healthcare organisation controls how data is used (data controller) and provides instruction to Concentric Health Ltd (data processor) in terms of how the Concentric application should manage patient data.

Concentric is hosted in the cloud using Google Cloud Platform (GCP), using UK-based data centres. GCP is compliant with all healthcare information governance requirements. The processes used by Concentric Health are reviewed and approved by each healthcare organisation using Concentric before first clinical use.

All data is protected using industry best practice encryption and is transferred securely. We maintain cyber security certification and also undertake annual penetration testing to ensure our systems are as secure as possible.

What data is processed and what are my data rights?

Concentric, on behalf of your healthcare organisation, processes personal data to facilitate a digital consent process. Details regarding what data is stored, the legal basis for doing so, and how data subject rights are met are outlined in our privacy notice.

Help! Struggling to use Concentric

I’ve received an email from Concentric. How do I access the information?

If you've received an email from Concentric click the green 'View my information' button in the email – the page will then ask you to enter the patient's date of birth so that the personalised treatment information can be accessed securely.

I’ve received an SMS from Concentric. How do I access the information?

If you've received an SMS from Concentric click the link at the end of the text message – the page will then ask you to enter the patient's date of birth so that the personalised treatment information can be accessed securely.

I'm entering my date of birth, but Concentric is telling me that it's wrong!

In some circumstances the clinical team need to enter patients' date of birth (DOB) manually to register the patient record in Concentric, which can lead to the incorrect DOB being recorded, and therefore blocking access when you enter the correct DOB.

Your clinician will need to correct the DOB then re-send the consent information to you, so please contact them directly - for example by using contact details from a relevant clinic appointment letter - to request this.

Accessing my consent information

Can I print my consent information?

Yes, you can print either or both of the consent information and the consent form PDF (this is only generated once consent has been given). The consent form PDF has less information - for example it does not include the lay descriptions of the risks.

To print the consent information use the same approach as you would use to print any web page within your browser (often within the 'File' menu). To print the consent form PDF click the link to open the PDF then follow the same process.

Can my consent information be translated?

Yes, you can translate the consent information by using the automated translation tools within your web browser. This provides the option of reading the consent information, including any personalisations and notes by your clinician, in your preferred language.

Details regarding how to translate within the browser are linked to here:

Browser translation of consent information may supplement but should not replace a consent conversation supported by a professional interpreter where appropriate. If you feel that professional interpretation would support you to be able to understand and consider the information, please do not hesitate to contact your clinician or healthcare organisation, they will be happy to facilitate this.

Can I use accessibility tools within Concentric?

Yes, all standard assessibility tools can be used within Concentric, for example to change colours, contrast levels and fonts, to change font sizes/zoom in, navigate using the keyboard or speech recognition software, and listen to most of the application using a screen reader. Further information can be accessed within our accessibility statement

I'm having trouble signing my consent. What should I do?

There are a number of patients who are unable to sign their consent remotely, for example if you do not have access to a touchscreen device. Your healthcare organisation is aware that this is not possible for all patients. Being unable to complete your consent remotely will not have any negative impact on your care or the timing of it.

Do not worry. You will be able to sign and complete your consent in person the next time you see your clinician, or on the day of treatment. There is no need to contact Concentric or your healthcare organisation in the circumstance that you are keen to proceed but are unable to sign your consent within Concentric.

Contacting the team and next steps

Can I contact my clinician or healthcare organisation through Concentric?

Unfortunately we do not have a reliable way of forwarding a message from you to your clinician or healthcare organisation. Therefore, if you need to contact them please do so directly - for example by using contact details from a relevant clinic appointment letter.

Who should I contact with questions about the information shared, or my care generally?

At Concentric we cannot discuss any clinical queries with you so if you have any questions or would like to discuss any element of your care, either prior to giving consent or following, please contact your clinician or healthcare organisation directly.

After giving my consent to treatment can I change my mind?

Yes, you can change your mind regarding giving your consent to treatment at any point prior to treatment. You cannot directly withdraw (revoke) your consent within Concentric as it is usually beneficial to discuss options with a clinician if you are considering withdrawing your consent - for example to discuss alternative treatment options. For this reason your clinician can document that you have withdrawn consent within the clinician version of Concentric. Please contact your clinician or healthcare organisation directly to facilitate this.

Do I need to inform my clinician that I have signed my consent?

No, if you have signed your consent you will be able to see the consent form PDF and your signature at the bottom of the page, and your clinician's version of Concentric will be automatically updated to reflect this. You do not need to contact them separately to confirm receipt.

What happens on the day of my treatment? Do I need to bring the consent form PDF?

On the day of your treatment, you will see one of the clinical team and be given an opportunity to ask any questions, and asked to confirm your consent verbally. You clinician will document this within Concentric. You do not need to a copy of the consent information or the consent form PDF, your clinician will already have access to this.

We're here to support if you need us

If you didn’t find the answer to your question on this page and need support from the Concentric team, please complete our patient support form.